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Pacifier - Case
Pacifier - Case
Pacifier - Case
Pacifier - Case
Pacifier - Case
  • Laai prent in Gallery-kyker, Pacifier - Case
  • Laai prent in Gallery-kyker, Pacifier - Case
  • Laai prent in Gallery-kyker, Pacifier - Case
  • Laai prent in Gallery-kyker, Pacifier - Case
  • Laai prent in Gallery-kyker, Pacifier - Case

Pacifier - Case

Gewone prys
R 280.00
R 280.00
Gewone prys
Versending word by betaalpunt bereken.

BIBS Pacifier Case provides a convenient and hygienic solution for parents to store and transport their baby's pacifiers without losing them.

  • Can hold up to 3 BIBS pacifiers​
  • Keep pacifiers safe, clean, and easy to find​
  • Holes in the bottom so that water can escape if it is stored outside​
  • Can be fastened to the stroller, changing bag, or crip​

• Wash with warm water and mild soap. Wipe thoroughly to ensure the product is completely dry.